If you have an API defined with RAML (RESTful API Modeling Language), you can configure an API target from that RAML definition for Probely to scan the API.
The configuration involves the following steps:
Change the file extension.
Add the target as OpenAPI.
The following sections detail these steps.
Step 1: Change the file extension
In this first step, you just need to change the RAML file extension to .yaml
Step 2: Add the target as OpenAPI
Once you have the file with the new extension, you can create the target as a regular OpenAPI one, as described in How to configure and scan an API, providing you ensure the following:
In the API type, select "OpenAPI".
Select OpenAPI schema upload and, in FILE, choose the RAML file with the
Probely will do all the necessary conversions, create the target, and you will be able to scan your RAML API.