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Can I pause target scans or prevent them from running at a certain time?
Can I pause target scans or prevent them from running at a certain time?

Learn how to pause and resume a target scan on demand and automatically

Martim Valente avatar
Written by Martim Valente
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Pause and Resume a Target Scan on Demand

  1. To pause an ongoing target scan, click the STOP button and Pause from the drop-down list for any ongoing target scan.

  2. You can pause a target scan from various pages:

    1. List of targets

    2. Target page

    3. Scan results page

    4. List of scans

  3. Alternatively, you can pause a target scan by calling the API.

  4. Once you pause a target scan, Probely will stop crawling/scanning your site. It takes a while to pause a target scan, and its status changes to PAUSING.

Stop a Paused Target Scan

  1. You can stop a paused target scan (cancel it for good) or resume and pick up from where it left off.

  2. If a paused target scan isn’t resumed in the next 7 days, it is automatically stopped (canceled) by Probely, and you can start new scans. Probely will notify and remind you to resume a scan you paused on demand.

Blackout Period: Pause and Resume Target Scans Automatically

Besides pausing and resuming target scans on demand, you can also set up a blackout period (timeframe) when new scans don't start and ongoing scans are paused automatically.

  1. To set a blackout period, go to your target settings to set the dates and times you don't want to perform a scan.

  2. Set start and end times when you want scans to be paused and resumed.

  3. Select the day or days of the week to apply that schedule.

  4. Save your settings.

  5. When you reach the chosen start time, if a scan is ongoing, it will be paused automatically.

  6. When the blackout period is finished, the scan will resume automatically.

  7. You can also pause target scans during the night and resume them the next day. For example, you can configure them to run only from 6:00 to 23:00 each day:

  8. After setting up the blackout period, disable the feature in your target settings to remove this scan restriction.

  9. After disabling this feature, target scans will not be paused or resumed automatically. However, you can still pause and resume them on demand as you see fit.

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